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Music Subject Statement


At Rushbrook Primary Academy, we want to create a passion for music in our children that will stay with them in their future lives. We endeavour to provide a variety of musical experiences through a curriculum which develops learning, improves knowledge and promotes pupil well-being through building up the confidence of all children.  Music can impact the way that children feel, think and act; we want music to encourage the body and mind to work together, develop motor skills and allow self-expression.

We want to ensure that music is an inspiring and engaging experience that enables every child to develop their musical potential and develops an appreciation of the value of music that is deeply personal to them. We want children to have a curiosity for the subject and a respect for the role that music may play in any person’s life.


At Rushbrook, music is taught using Kapow, which provides a vast library of songs supporting all the requirements of the National Curriculum. This includes a wide range of music activities to enhance the children’s musical abilities. We follow the National Curriculum guidance in Key Stages 1 and 2.  In EYFS Music is taught through continuous provision indoors and outdoors. We follow guidance from the Department for Education under the new EYFS Statutory Framework, Development Matters (2021).

 The interrelated dimensions of music (listening and appraising, differing musical activities and performing) are taught alongside each other through each unit to encourage the development of musical skills. Through singing songs in our music assemblies, children learn about the structure and organisation of music.

Our teaching focuses on developing children’s ability to understand rhythm and follow a beat and to be able to listen to and appreciate different genres of music. We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children. Children develop descriptive language skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent different feelings, emotions and narratives. We are committed to ensuring that our children understand the importance of Music in the wider community and British culture and that they are able to apply their musical skills, knowledge and experiences to involve themselves in music and its contexts.

Further enrichment is organised with a visiting musician from the Halle Orchestra and specialist teachers and instructors who support music lessons either whole class or in small groups. Samba drums, guitars, ukulele and keyboards are all taught in small groups.

A thriving choir is in place for Key Stage Two and each year the choir is encouraged to perform both in school and at a range of venues and events, for example: Young Voices and the Big Sing.


As a result of the music curriculum, children at Rushbrook Primary Academy develop a love of music and increased understanding of the impact that music can have on their own and others’ lives. Children demonstrate progression of knowledge and skills which they continuously build on and embed. Through music, children develop the fundamental competencies of confidence, curiosity, collaboration, communication, creativity, commitment and craftsmanship. Children develop an understanding of culture and history in relation to themselves individually, their local music heritage and music from ethnicities from around the world.

Useful Websites

Music National Curriculum Key Stages 1 and 2

Bach and Mozart – – Info and music for Bach and Mozart and composer and notation activities. – Beats and melody maker

Subject Information

Subject Overview

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Rushbrook Primary Academy
101 Shillingford Road
Gorton, Manchester M18 7TN