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Parent/Carer Letter 

Dear parent/carer, 

I’m delighted to inform you about a new service we’re using to support your child’s addition and subtraction skills, called NumBots, from the company who provides Times Tables Rock Stars. 

Big Difference 

NumBots is an online game and playing little and often will significantly improve your child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts. These are critical foundations in maths so we are excited by the impact NumBots will have. 

Logging In 

The children have been shown how to login and have brought home a username label in their [book bag/reading planner/insert here]. They might need some help navigating to the website and entering the details but once they’re in, they just need some quiet space to get on with the games. 

Please ask your child’s teacher if they are struggling to login. Maths Circle (the creators of NumBots) cannot provide username and password information to parents, even during school holidays or out of hours.  

Important: please don’t allow siblings, friends or family to answer for them but do support your child if they’re stuck. 

Little and often 

In order to get the best out of NumBots children should regularly play for short bursts so we would ask you to give them 3 minutes, four five times a week. 

Game Types 

  1. Story Mode – the emphasis is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles. 
  2. Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding & taking away in your head. 

Please let your child’s teacher know if you have any questions or comments.  

Yours faithfully, 

Rushbrook Primary Academy

Proud to part of the Bright Futures Education Trust
Rushbrook Primary Academy
101 Shillingford Road
Gorton, Manchester M18 7TN